Help:Create new page

From CPU Graveyard - Die shots

Creating new pages

Use of the listed templates, to auto generate links

  • Use templates
  • link new categories to the tree
  • Use common manufacturer and family names so they are combined together. Search first.


Create dieshot's page

  1. Search for common names of manufactures and families to use in template
  2. Add dieshot to a page
    • Page name should be "Manufacturer - PartNumber", for example "Intel - A80186-16"
  3. Fill out template's variables


Create a manufacturer page

  1. First search the site to see if it already exists
  2. Use the name the manufacturer is most know by. For example:
    • Intel, not Intel Corporation
    • AMD, not Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
  3. Enter the name here and fill out the variables
  4. If all goes well, the page will automatically list all Manufacturer's families

Manufacturer summary


Create a family page

  1. First search the site to see if it already exists
  2. Use the name the family is most know by.
    • Example: 486, not 80486
  3. Use the more general family name
    • Example: 486, not 486DX
  4. Add "family" to the end of the page name
    • Example: "486 family"
  5. Enter the name here and fill out the variables on the page
  6. If all goes well, the page will automatically list of die pages for the respective Manufacturer's family

Create family summary template

  • Example: Template:Family-summary/Z80
  1. If all goes well, the page will automatically list pages

Create manufacturer-family page

For example: Zilog - Z80 family

  1. If all goes well, the page will automatically list all appropriate dieshot pages


Create needed categories for automated listings

  1. If all goes well manufacturer, family and manufacturer's families pages will auto generate links


  1. You may not have the exact part number, or the dieshot may apply to multiple parts. You may only know the family, model or core name. Just do your best to be as specific and accurate as possible.
  2. Use templates when ever possible.
  3. Use the common manufacturer/family names used on this site for auto linking to work properly.